Colin was born in Norfolk and is a renowned English Pop Artist, whose work has addressed the theme of Cold War politics.
As a student at the Slade School of Fine Art from 1961 to 1963 Colin received encouragement for his drawings and collages from the artists David Hockney and Peter Blake.Visits to the United States and Canada in 1962 and 1965 heightened his consciousness of Cold War politics.
Following his trip to the United States in 1965 he produced his drawings of hot dogs, which he described as being ‘as important a 20th century development as (say) a rocket.’ His highly personal and distinctive style of drawing led the artist Richard Hamilton to call him ‘the best draughtsman in England since William Blake.’ He has sought to provide a unique record of society in the event of its possible destruction
In 1997 theTate Gallery held a show of all its holdings of his work.
Public collections holding work by Colin include The Arts Council of Great Britain, Museum of Modern Art, Pallant House,Tate Gallery and Norwich Castle Museum.
Many other works by the artist are available at the FitzRoy Modern Art Gallery.